Bram's Dev Blog


100 Days of Code introduction + Day 01 report

20 Aug 2018

100 Days of Code Introduction

This weekend I read about 100 Days of Code and decided I want to give it a shot. The goal is to code for one hour every day, for the next 100 Days. I hope this gives me some time to work on things I want to work on already for a long while, but can’t find the time for coding in my current schedule. A few specifics about the approach i’m trying out

What is coding for me?

For me, it’s all of the following

Build into the morning routine

I want to try the following:

I hope that by including this planning for the next day in here, I can get the motivation going and make it easy to get started the next day, since the strategy/goal for the next day should already be laid out.

List of things I’d love to devote time to

Day 01 report

For the first day, I wanted to upgrade the crawler commons library in the project. Turns out the latest releases removed all of http fetcher to a separate dependency that is currently not available from maven central.

Instead of going with 0.10, I went with the latest one that still had these dependencies inside, v0.7 but I’m getting following error in there:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/http/conn/ssl/NoopHostnameVerifier

Day 02 Plan

Work on the error in v0.7 of crawler commons. If that doesn’t work out, identify how http-fetcher could be used with v0.10