Bram's Dev Blog


100 Days of Code Day 93 - Po files editing

01 Dec 2018

Upgrading IntelliJ IDEA to 2018.03 release

Following improvements in the What’s new overview sparked my interest.

IDEA trick: having two files open sideways and jumping between them

On Day 92, I was using “compare to clipboard” to have the old JSON catalog open alongside the new .po catalog, but I couldn’t find how to jump the cursor between the two editors.

Today I found that you can use “Split”, to split the active editor window either horizontally and vertically, and then use the control+tab “Switcher” to jump between the two.

Migrating the current .json catalogs to .po

I migrated all the Dutch keys from the .json to the .po file by hand. Wondered whether there would be an automated convertor and found Translate Toolkit

Installed translate toolkit on Mac using homebrew. In the process, homebrew also recommended me to upgrade Git as well.

All these funky upgrades … broke my built in terminal in IntelliJ IDEA. Got hit by This particular issue and an upgrade to zsh fixed it.

Automated migrations from .json to .po

Running json2po from Translate toolkit didn’t work entirely out of the box with the default options, as it produced:

msgid "Kurzfassung"
msgstr ""

While the goal was

msgid ""
msgstr "Kurzfassung"

Didn’t find a way to improve the transformation, so I tried to transform these erroneous results with the IntelliJ IDEA Multiple Cursors feature

Investigation into missing keys

On day 92, I found out that following keys were not identified in the automated extraction:

Today I found more:

Keys extracted that were not part of the original json

Also found following keys in the automated extraction that weren’t part of the original json files

Day 94 Plan

Continue with the Czech and English po files. Investigate why some message keys were missing from the automated extraction.

Future days - DSpace 7 Angular

Future days - work

Future Days - Productivity

Future days - Jekyll site

Future Days - work

Investigate and work on search engine optimization (SEO) for the main website.

Future Days - Learning just for learning

Sustainability challenge - Finish before Christmas

If I continue like October, I could hit day 68 by end of October and day 98 by end of November.