Bram's Dev Blog


100 Days of Code Day 87 - Resolving comments on 2 open pull requests

21 Nov 2018

Checks passing on the Language Switch pull request!

Very happy to start this morning, seeing that the checks have passed on the Language Switch pull request. Hope that it gets merged before the weekend!

Issue 321 Home news rewording

I broke a protractor test with one of my pull requests from the last day of October (Hacktoberfest).

My colleague Art already suggested a fix from another commit and I tried to cherry pick it.

To ensure I had the entities branch locally that Art referred to, I did

» git pull origin        
 * [new branch]      configurable_entities -> origin/configurable_entities

However, trying to cherry pick the branch was not immediately successful

» git cherry-pick e39879b                    
fatal: bad revision 'e39879b'

How to cherry pick from a remote branch

So I figure I don’t have the pull request branches locally. Testing with pull requests in the DSpace documentation was a helpful reminder there.

git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/*

As the DSpace github repo is called “origin” on my local machine. So once I had the pull requests all locally, the cherry pick went fine.

issue 323 comcol page logo bottom padding

Art recommended to use classes for margin and padding instead of hardcoding a number. Bootstrap 4 Spacing utilities

Day 88 Plan

If these open pull requests are merged, proceed with the challenge to allow an admin to turn off particular languages.

Future days - DSpace 7 Angular

Future days - work

Future Days - Productivity

Future days - Jekyll site

Future Days - work

Investigate and work on search engine optimization (SEO) for the main website.

Future Days - Learning just for learning

Sustainability challenge - Finish before Christmas

If I continue like October, I could hit day 68 by end of October and day 98 by end of November.