Bram's Dev Blog


100 Days of Code Day 60 - Egghead Redux course continued

23 Oct 2018

Continuing Egghead Redux tutorial video 17 and onwards

Redux: React Todo List Example (Adding a Todo)

Redux: React Todo List Example (Toggling a Todo)

Redux: React Todo List Example (Filtering Todos)

Redux: Extracting Presentational Components (Todo, TodoList)

Redux: Extracting Presentational Components (AddTodo, Footer, FilterLink)

Day 61 Plan

Continue with Egghead getting started with redux, video 22 . Continue with implementing the actions and the reducer for the language switch. Continue implementation of the action to deactivate a language.

Future days - DSpace 7 Angular

Future days - work

Future Days - Productivity

Future days - Jekyll site

Future Days - work

Investigate and work on search engine optimization (SEO) for the main website.

Future Days - Learning just for learning

September sustainability challenge - Completed

The money has been wired and I’m closing the books on the September sustainability challenge where I was sponsored for every successful day and where I would punish myself for every missed day.

New sustainability challenge - Finish before Christmas

With today being day 43, there are 57 days of coding left. Setting the goal to get there before Dec 25th gives me a little more flexibility while still requiring a high frequency.

In terms of positive motivator, I’m currently thinking along the lines of a big reward at the end, while at the same time still wondering about something more incremental for Oct/Nov, or to have a self-punishment system in here as well.