Bram's Dev Blog


100 Days of Code Day 27 report - Recently Added items

15 Sep 2018

List of recently added items

When spinning the new code up for the first time, I ran into a runtime error that a hibernate property couldn’t be found.

@Column(name= "last_modified")
private Date lastModified = new Date();

In my methods, I was calling last_modified, but apparently if you’re calling hibernate properties, you just need to call the java class members. Changed to lastModified and we were in business.

Background colour and opacity on panels

On the item detail page, the text wasn’t clear in the information panels. I played around with the background colours.

CRON job on PROD server to check git master for changes and build automatically

Right now, every time I push a change to the master branch on the Atmire git server, I manually login to the PROD machine for the analyzer tool, to run a one line update script to deploy the latest code. That could be faster. I thought about two ways:

I was looking into the second option but no success so far. Found following related posts and started the creation of the bash script, but it’s not successful yet.

Check for changes on remote origin Git repository in shell script looks useful but for my purposes I’m wondering if there are any shorter solutions.

How can I check in a Bash script if my local Git repository has changes?

How to make a file (e.g. a .sh script) executable, so it can be run from terminal

Day 28 Plan

Future days - work

Future Days - other ideas

  1. Switch to a different project: start working on DSpace 7 Angular
  2. Setup IDEA so I can start editing these blogposts from there, instead of in a text editor
  3. Developer productivity: Get my IntelliJ IDEA Shortcuts in order (CMD+1, CMD+/, …)

Future Days - work

Investigate and work on search engine optimization (SEO) for the main website.

Future Days - Learning just for learning

Sustainability - Raising the stakes - Looking for sponsors

I have raised the stakes by

This way, every day would be a win. These are the rules that I’ll apply:

  1. I can anticipate or fix a lost day by doing an hour extra the day before, or an hour extra the day after. In theory this means I can maximally compensate a streak of 2 missed days.
  2. Goal is to have a steady frequency, so I can’t just do 8h on a sunday to get myself off the hook for the next 7 days.
  3. Sponsor commitments are fully voluntarily: any sponsor can back out at any time.
  4. My commitment is fully voluntarily: if I want to change the rules or back out, I can at any time.

This month, these are already days that will be very tough:

So that’s already a lot of exposure to potentially missed days.

I will raise the stakes this way and gather money for Charity:Water. Let me know if you want to sponsor me and for how much per completed day in September. September 1st is the first successfully completed day.

September tracking

Will only log the failed days here. No failed days so far.

Thanks to the following sponsors!

  1. Jan & Hilde: €2 per successful day (Yes, these are my parents)