Bram's Dev Blog


100 Days of Code Day 78 - Analyzer Testing

11 Nov 2018

Forget about loading assets, mock everything you don’t explicitly want to test

Friday’s words of my sensei and Angular guru Art were short but firm. He strongly discouraged me to go further down the path of trying to load the i18n resources in the testbed for my component.

Instead, I should revisit the code of my component, take a closer look what it actually is that I wrote there, and figure out what I want to test exactly.

What I don’t want or need to test

I don’t want to test the actual language switching, as this is provided by the ngx-translate library.

Test 1: The switch should disappear if there is only one active language

For this test, I have to mock the constructor with only a single language active. And then I somehow have to test that the component doesn’t get rendered.

Test 2: My custom method to return the active language should return the actual active language

I have to create a mock with a particular language initialised as the active one, and then I have to test if my custom method to return this one actually does that.

Test 3: My custom method to return a label for any of the active languages

Day 79 Plan

Continue trying to get tests to work.

Future days - DSpace 7 Angular

Future days - work

Future Days - Productivity

Future days - Jekyll site

Future Days - work

Investigate and work on search engine optimization (SEO) for the main website.

Future Days - Learning just for learning

Sustainability challenge - Finish before Christmas

If I continue like October, I could hit day 68 by end of October and day 98 by end of November.