Bram's Dev Blog


100 Days of Code Day 57 - DSpace 7 Language

20 Oct 2018

Taking a break from language deactivation and state

At the office yesterday we were discussing persisting the change that an admin would make, when deactivating an interface language from the UI.

Initially, the list of languages can be loaded and provided from the Environment Config File. But it wouldn’t be preferable that changes to the list of activated languages would be written back to that file, because ideally the file is under version control in Git. Which would mean that the change would get lost whenever someone would execute a new build and pull the config changes back from git.

So a more desirable alternative is to persist this kind of change in the database, meaning that the DSpace 7 REST API would serve it. Even though interface language could be seen as something purely UI based, it’s possible that UIs building on top of the REST API will want to store some UI related parameters in the DB. One way to move forward, would be an endpoint/structure of UI config, there the REST API can just store and serve value pairs of UI config, without really knowing or controlling any logic of what happens with those.

I’m taking a short break from this in order to focus on feedback that came in from Art on the original language switch.

Pulling the names of the languages back OUT of i18n.

Art made a great point stating that the names of the languages themselves can NOT be translated. An end user who wants to switch language doesn’t necessarily know what is language is called in another language.

So for the time being, I’m pulling the names of the languages OUT of the i18n file, and loading them from config.

The header of the dropdown should state the active language, not the word “Language”

To make it clearer, a font awesome icon for language is added in front of it.

Code style issues

The automated checks on my pull request were failing because of code style issues. Executing yarn run lint in the root of my project told me what they were: whitespace and “ vs ‘ issues, and I took care of those.

Changes shipped!

My pull request was updated with new commits, that hopefully resolve all of the open comments.

Day 58 Plan

Continue with implementing the actions and the reducer for the language switch. Continue with Egghead getting started with redux, video 6. Continue implementation of the action to deactivate a language.

Future days - DSpace 7 Angular

Future days - work

Future Days - Productivity

Future days - Jekyll site

Future Days - work

Investigate and work on search engine optimization (SEO) for the main website.

Future Days - Learning just for learning

September sustainability challenge - Completed

The money has been wired and I’m closing the books on the September sustainability challenge where I was sponsored for every successful day and where I would punish myself for every missed day.

New sustainability challenge - Finish before Christmas

With today being day 43, there are 57 days of coding left. Setting the goal to get there before Dec 25th gives me a little more flexibility while still requiring a high frequency.

In terms of positive motivator, I’m currently thinking along the lines of a big reward at the end, while at the same time still wondering about something more incremental for Oct/Nov, or to have a self-punishment system in here as well.