Bram's Dev Blog


100 Days of Code Day 45 - DSpace 7 Language

05 Oct 2018

DSpace 7 Language switch

As I made a Dutch translation of the current DSpace 7 messages yesterday, I now want to see how a simple language switcher could be added to the UI.

The spec in DSpace is currently that the language should be initialised to the user’s browser language, and if that one is not available, default to a default language, English in most cases.

But in order not to get ahead of of myself, I just want to initialise on English (like currently is the case), show which languages are available, and allow the user to switch.


Would figure that this has been done before … so reading in the NGX translate documentation.

Tutorial: How to translate your Angular app with ngx-translate

Language switching actually looks very easy in the tutorial. However, only a simple, single app component is used there. In the layout, I want the lanugague switch to be placed next to login in the top level nav bar, so I would look for such a component to modify. However, the impact of the change should be across the entire app.

Got stuck at getting access to the translate service in the header, but reported my progress to the community so maybe there’s someone who will help out.

Day 46 Plan

Continue work on the language switch.

Future days - DSpace 7 Angular

Future days - work

Future Days - Productivity

Future days - Jekyll site

Future Days - work

Investigate and work on search engine optimization (SEO) for the main website.

Future Days - Learning just for learning

September sustainability challenge - Completed

The money has been wired and I’m closing the books on the September sustainability challenge where I was sponsored for every successful day and where I would punish myself for every missed day.

New sustainability challenge - Finish before Christmas

With today being day 43, there are 57 days of coding left. Setting the goal to get there before Dec 25th gives me a little more flexibility while still requiring a high frequency.

In terms of positive motivator, I’m currently thinking along the lines of a big reward at the end, while at the same time still wondering about something more incremental for Oct/Nov, or to have a self-punishment system in here as well.